Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New Schedule

I (Jen) haven't been around the PWA or Fly High as much as I usually am and I got a chance to teach Zumba this evening and whoa Nelly did I ever hear some concern about the September schedule, particularly the afternoon/evening classes. Yes, it is being revamped, revised, and revitalized. This is due to a lack of attendance for a number of classes, not just in the summer months, but also in the months before. We want to have some great numbers so that we can all have fun getting our workouts together.

Here's the deal: some classes are just being tweaked. Sadly, some (not many, but some) are being dropped. Some classes are being combined in order to be stronger than they ever were on their own. When the official class menu is printed, check it out and see what will work for you. This schedule is designed to get you the best bang for your buck with each class. I'm excited to get started and I bet you won't want to miss it.

I live with a five year old picky eater who I have to repeatedly convince to try new things. Usually after much drama and cajoling, he often finds that he doesn't mind it after all. Now, I'm certainly not calling you a bunch five year olds but I am asking you to try out something new before you hate it forever. You may find that this schedule fits better into your world. You also may find that you have a new favorite class that you never would have tried if it hadn't been put in your usual time slot. Change is uncomfortable but we have tried to organize this new schedule in a way that is as painless as possible for all. We are still going to have a great time and give you the work out you are looking for. So keep an open mind, get to class, try it out, or we'll make you stay at the table all night! :)

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate the gentle yoga instructors who give optional poses that are a bit more challenging. This gives me the opportunity to push myself just a little bit more.
    Also, is the September schedule referred to in the blog above available on this website?
    Thank you instructors, for helping us stay fit!
