He's at the 20...the 10...the 5...TOUCHDOWN!

Every academic year the University of Iowa and Iowa State University compete in the Hy-Vee Cy-Hawk Series. The series starts in September with volleyball, football, and soccer, and it ends in May with academics. Simply put, the school with the higher score wins! Last year, Iowa took the series winning 15 events to ISU's 11 wins. Go Hawks!
This year, GRMC is hosting a food drive that will coincide with the Iowa vs. ISU football game on September 10th. From August 22nd through September 8th at noon, anyone wishing to contribute to the food drive, may drop off their donation to the PWA Fitness Center. When dropping off your item(s), inform the wellness staff of what you brought and what team you would like it to go towards. The wellness staff will determine how many yards you earn for your team by the items you drop off. The winning team will earn bragging rights.
Which items can earn you yards?! The following list will assist you in the grocery store:
10 yds. - Diapers
5 yds. - Instant tea/coffee, laundry detergent, feminine hygiene product
4 yds. - Razor, shaving cream, canned meat (chicken, spam, etc.)
3 yds. - Dish soap, cereal, juice, peanut butter
2 yds. - Pancake mix, pasta sauce, raisins
1 yd. - Shampoo, conditioner, canned food, canned tuna, floss, soap, noodles
Please help support the families and individuals in our community by giving all you can. With schools back in session, many families are in need this time of year. Your donations will provide comfort and a sensible, nutritional, meal to many individuals. Let's put out compassion in action and give back to our community!
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