Monday, August 22, 2011


Alright all you yogis, what's your favorite yoga pose? A while ago some members suggested this blog topic and of course the joke was that the obvious choice was final relaxation (for all you non yoga lovers, this is where we lay down and rest at the end of class). For me (Jen), there is a division between the poses that come more easily and then there are the poses that require some work. I love the sensation of a nice gentle stretch, it's probably what sold me on yoga in the first place. Then there are the more challenging poses. They take work, the stretch is a little more intense, the strengthening element tough. But completing those poses often gives me a sense of accomplishment when I'm done. It's exciting when I notice that my knee is much closer to the floor than it was this time last year or maybe I can hold a pose longer than I when I first started. To me, a good yoga practice has a mix of both. I find it hard to narrow it down to just one pose as my favorite. Do I say spinal twist because that's fairly relaxing, do I say lunge because I like the challenge, do I throw out a hip opener like pigeon since that is an area that is chronically tight on my body, or do I say final relaxation since that is the only guaranteed rest in my day? It's tough to narrow it down, but I think for me it might be downward dog which combines strengthening and stretching all in one. What's yours?

1 comment:

  1. I (Terese, not Warren!) have a few favorites myself. For relaxation, the child's pose is great. To child's pose add cat/cow for a good flow. I like happy baby pose, because I just love the name! But my favorite too is downward dog. You can't beat it for the stretch and strength-building it offers.
