Monday, June 13, 2011

Victorious in Victor

Yesterday I (Jen) volunteered at the 5K/Half marathon here in Grinnell. I saw several members doing a tremendous job pounding the pavement. You guys have all been working so hard and you looked great. Someone else that looked great was our very own Amber, who ran the half marathon. I'm betting she'll be embarassed by this post, but she's not here to stop me and I was so proud of her and everyone else too. Amber ran over 13 miles and baby, she ran it fast! I was cheering at a corner 3 blocks from the finish line and she very casually grinned and said, "Oh, hi Jen. Thanks, I'm dying though. Ha ha." But she sure didn't sound or look like she was dying. She was still on her feet and truckin' and she had enough energy to wave at her family as well. I have seen Amber in here at the PWA flying on the treadmill and hammering on the spinner at Fly High and that endurance has really built up for her. A member I've seen putting in the time at PWA ran the 5K. She said she had thought about walking at the water breaks, but she didn't; she kept on running and she looked great from where I was standing. Amazing! I've seen you all working hard every lunch break or coming in before or after work. Every one's time and effort paid off! I'm not sure exactly where Amber was in the overall numbers, but like I said, she was fast. In fact, she was the first woman in her age bracket. When she crossed the finish line the M.C. called, "Amber McLeod, Victorious in Victor!" We've posted before on our blog about having goals and celebrating those small and large accomplishments. This weekend was exactly that for some of you. It was amazing to see so many people so determined to push themselves. I, for one, enjoyed watching the show. Good job Amber and good job everyone else on your hard work!


  1. Amber,

    Congratulations on a great half-marathon. Wow, 19th over all, way to go!

    Bob Wemer

  2. Great job Amber!
    What a great weekend of events for Grinnell. I hope to participate next year.
