I(Jen) am trying out some new shoes. You can't miss them- they're bright pink. For a while there I was whining about foot pain, and during one of my sessions in physical therapy it was recommended that I try a shoe with a flexible sole. As you might imagine, I put a fair amount of pounding into whatever shoes I wear, so a shoe purchase is an important decision for me. I have noticed that I need to alternate the brand and style of shoe I wear in order to keep my feet happy and I get a little set in my ways about which kinds I use. I'm a little leery about going out of my comfort zone but our PT department has done amazing things for me in the past and I have no reason not to trust them. This is just the end of day one but I did wear them during a class and so far so good.
I've seen people in class with toe shoes, I've seen people running around town completely bare foot, and I've seen people with the "toning" shoes. Post a comment here about your experiences with different types of athletic footwear. Just this morning a member and I discussed transitioning from different types of shoe styles so I know there are people that are interested. I know I'm curious and would love to hear your input.
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