Did that get your attention? Who wouldn't want a free massage?
As most members know, the wellness center has an incentive program called "It Pays to Attend" in which members receive a free massage or neon cafe gift certificate for attending 60 times in 6 months. Many of you have received multiple massages and look forward to them. Some questions have come up that I (Lexie) wanted to address to minimize any confusion about the program:
Q: "If I attend more than 60 times in 6 months can I get more than 1 massage?"
A: Sadly, no. One massage or gift certificate is given in a 6 month time period. But we still encourage you to attend more than 60 times for your own personal benefit.
Q: "When does my 6 months start?"
A: We started the program in September of 2009 so if you were already a member at that time that's when your six months started. If you joined after this month it started the month you joined.
Q: "Will you let me know when I have 60 visits?"
A: Due to the fact that this is a voluntary incentive program and not all members are participating we ask that you contact the wellness staff to inquire about your number of visits. We have punch cards available for those who would like one to help them keep track of their visits and to remind them to get their massage.
Q: "If I should have received a massage in the last 6 month period but forgot to ask do I still get it?"
A: We only give massage and gift certificates during your current 6 month period even if you earned one previously.
Q: "What if I go on vacation-am I given more time to get my 60 visits in?"
A: 60 visits in 6 months is about 2 1/2 days per week of exercise-hopefully even with a vacation time-off you can make up for the time you have lost and still get in 60 visits in the time allotted.
Q: "If I go to Fly High for a class and then go the fitness center does that count as 2?"
A: We only count visit per day-even if you take all the classes Fly High offers that day (ouch-you will probably feel that the next day)-it only counts as 1 visit.
Please feel free to post any comments or questios or ask the wellness staff any questions you have about this program. So far it has been very successful and really motivates members to get in to the fitness center.
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