Recently I (Lexie) have been swapping out traditional recipes with lower calorie, lower fat, higher fiber foods to promote weight loss. I'm getting married in four months and brides always want to look good in the dress. While browsing recipes on the web the other day I discovered a recipe for muffins that turned out very well and were less in calories and fat. I was looking for a good snack that kept me fuller longer and traditionally muffins have me scouring the fridge looking for more within minutes. This recipe satisfied me longer and was very tasty:
I box of cake mix (spice or carrot work well for this but I had a yellow cake mix in the pantry already)
1 15oz can of pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix)
There are a lot of add-ins for this. I used about a tsp of vanilla extract, nutmeg, and a little cinnamon to jazz it up a little. You could add pumpkin pie spice, nuts or use another type of pureed vegetable or fruit. Experiment and find out what you like the best. Let us know what you like and what others can try!
This recipe makes 24 regular size muffins. Below are the nutrition facts for each muffin:
2 points if you are on Weight Watchers
Calories: 97
Total Fat: 2.9 g
Sat fat: 0.7 g
Cholesterol: 0.0 g
Sodium: 140.4 g
Potassium: 133 g
Total carb: 17g
Sugars: 10g
Protein: 1.1g
I'm not exactly sure about the calorie counts for these variations, but since I'm assuming the pumpkin is used not only for flavor, but also to keep the muffin moist, a couple of other options would be making it a banana muffin or apple cinnamon (using unsweetened applesauce).