Monday, May 9, 2011

Be Kind to Your Fellow Participant

Most of us have heard the story of the man that not too long ago shot his spinning classmate over a specific spinner bike. The media ate it up as proof of our society going crazy and it was everywhere for a few days. Clearly this was an example of someone who takes his workout very seriously.

But this man isn't the only one. Any kind of exercise can be a very personal experience. All of us have a list of things we need to accomplish in our day and all of us can think of several other equally important ways we could also be spending our time. We choose to come to the PWA or Fly High because we have made activity a priority in our busy lives. How frustrating it can become when our favorite treadmill isn't immediately available or our usual spot in the studio has been taken. It's aggravating to grab a yoga mat only to discover that several have been rolled together or we use the weight machines after a sweaty individual that has neglected to wipe things down.

Remember the golden rule Mom taught you? "Do unto others as you would have done unto you." Your mom was only telling you ways to make friends and keep them. So here are some tips so you don't become "that guy (or girl)" at the gym.

  • We all occasionally run late. Unfortunately yoga is very quiet and still, especially so at the beginning and end of class. Wait to join class until after everyone has started moving. In other classes, just set up in such a way that doesn't impede fellow classmates. On the flip side, sometimes we have to leave early. Let the teacher know ahead of time, we are usually willing and able to pick up for you. In yoga, it can be very distracting for someone to move around during final relaxation. Even just the smallest rustle can be a problem for other participants so you can imagine what someone getting up and walking around would do for the class. If you're someone that doesn't enjoy final relaxation or for some reason has to step out early, do so before it even begins, not the middle.
  • Clean up after yourself and make sure to wipe down the equipment (weights, mats, balls, handles, etc...) after each use. Obviously we expect to encounter some amount of sweat at the gym and should be washing our hands after class, but still, wipe it down for us. As mentioned earlier, roll yoga mats individually. Put weights away where you found them.
  • Sound check! We love the conversations we have in our classes and around the fitness center. It makes time fly and gets people in the door ready for a great class but make sure it stays appropriate in terms of topic and language. (Some of you guys know some very creative curses and terrible jokes!) In yoga, conversation usually isn't done. For those classes, comments can be fairly distracting (although teachers still welcome quietly worded questions) and cell phones are a big no-no.
  • At the PWA, tv channels can be a debate. We start the day with the televisions on specific channels but we are more than happy to change them for anyone. As long as no one is watching that tv, that is. It's best to ask one of the staff to do it for you so that we are the bad guys, not you. This applies to the fans and blinds as well. Just because the fan makes you freeze and you enjoy the view of the parking lot doesn't mean that the poor person next to you isn't burning up and blinded by the sun. Just let us know what you need and we'll take care of it for you in a way that will make everyone happy.
  • Our final courtesy we can extend to each other has to do with personal grooming. Who showers before they exercise? It just seems silly, but believe it or not, when you're breathing hard from exercise those strong odors can really become obvious.
Our members are great and we love the variety of people we see everyday. We seem to have developed our own sense of community and have noticed some genuine friendships that are fostered in our facilities. We want all of you to have a fabulous experience each time you enter our doors. You can help us meet that goal by following the golden rule!

1 comment:

  1. These are great guidelines for all of us to follow. Thanks for helping us to be better participants!

    Terese Grant
