Thursday, May 19, 2011

Here Comes the Sun

Finally! I love being able to talk about all the wonderful things I've been doing outside. There is so much to do in my yard it's not even funny and despite the later sunsets, there are not nearly enough hours in the day. But I don't even mind because it's been so gorgeous! I've tilled, I've dug, I've weeded, I've mowed, I've chased my kids around, I've walked, I've planted, I've... uh... thought about riding my bike. I've enjoyed the fact that my back wasn't killing me after hours of yard work thanks to Fly High.

I've also noticed that classes are empty because everyone is outside doing those things too. If you're someone that is shy about trying new things in front of a crowd, now is the time to come sample. If you're the kind of person, who, like me, starts out walking at a brisk pace but ends up strolling along looking at the scenery, you better get back to class to have an instructor keep you accountable. Yard work is much more exercise than sitting on the couch, but is your heart working as hard as it does in spinning? Don't let yourself get too deconditioned, it's so hard to get it back. Personally, I'm not a self motivator. To do my best, I need an instructor or classmates pushing me along. I need Fly High and PWA, even in nice weather. Come see us if you're like me. We'll get you ready to get those outside tasks accomplished with ease!

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