Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hello again

Well hello there all! We had some busy days and some technical difficulties that kept us locked out of the blog but now we're back in action! I (Jen) apologize for the length of time you all had to wait.

Hopefully everyone has some plans to gather together with loved ones in the upcoming days. If your families/friends are anything like mine, there will be food involved. Oh baby, lots, and lots of food involved. On any regular day many of us struggle to keep the food indulgence to a minimum. This time of year can really be a phenomenal effort to just keep the consumption of mass quantities down to less than "mass". It can be nearly impossible. Or can it? I'll gladly share some great tips I've heard floating around lately.

Many of you have heard it before, but keeping the size of the actual plates we use can help reduce the amount of food we eat. Bluezones goes as far as to encourage folks to go out and purchase smaller dinnerware for their everyday use. When we're talking about just the main holiday event, consider grabbing the smaller dessert or salad plates. It's almost like playing a little mind game with yourself. Of course, this idea works best if you keep the number of plate refills to a minimum as well.

Is the spread so impressive that even if you take a small amount of everything, you're still left with a heaping pile on your plate? I've been there. Set some limits to what you actually take. For example, only take those special dishes which you never make yourself, or that you only eat this one time of the year. Additionally, there are some foods that are only good fresh, but others are just as tasty rewarmed the next days. Chose the fresh group first and then decide if you really need more after all.

Eat slowly, taking small bites as you go. These events are usually not a race so there is no reason to shovel it in by the cubic ton per second. Take a break when your plate is 2/3 empty and assess how you feel. The chances are you were so busy enjoying what was going on around you that you didn't notice the button on your jeans slowly expanding out.

Finally finished eating? Great. Get up and get away from the table immediately. We've all been in the scenario where we continued to nibble away at the food that was left as we chatted around the table. Don't do that to yourself, you were full twelve helpings ago. You'll be miserable and you know it! Most be people own a couch that is perfectly comfortable for conversation. Go there. Better yet, get up and chat over a soapy sink as your whole crew helps with the dishes.

If your host or hostess has little nibbly items like nuts, cookies, or candies strategically placed around the house, strategically place yourself as far away as possible. Keep busy talking to your friends and family to keep your mind off the little delicacies that might be calling your name. Out of sight, out of mind.

And if you do splurge, which we are all prone to doing, don't beat yourself up about it. Just head on over our way and get active. We allow guests, don't forget, so your out of town visitors can join you and need not be a hindrance to your exercise routines. The PWA is open until 5pm on Friday the 23rd and 30th, closed Saturday and Sunday and reopens on Monday the 26th and 2nd at 7am. There aren't any Saturday classes but the Monday 5:30 AM class is still on. So there is still plenty of opportunity for movement despite the holidays.

Everyone travel safe, and have fun! Report back how it was, we love to hear fun family stories!

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