Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thank you Judy and Charlie!

A big thank you to Judy and Charlie Durr who allowed Fun with Fitness to come out and tour their farm today. I (Jen) took around a dozen school-aged children on a nice rural tour of a farm during harvest. Some of my participants live on farms, but some of the kids had never been that close to an actual working farm. We got to watch Charlie combining the beans and Judy explained the purpose of all the structures on the property, which has been in her family since the 1800's. This included "Screaming Mimi", their old, and apparently very loud, dryer. Ha! We also got to meet their dog, Carl, who is a very tough farm dog indeed. The poor guy was pooped by the time he was done chasing us all around. Judy was kind enough to take us down to one of her cornfields and many of the kids left with souvenir ears of corn. They had big plans for dinner tonight despite her explanation that it really was corn for cows. I'm curious to hear how that turned out. Mother Nature decided to cooperate and gave us some great weather, it was just a perfect outing! Thanks again, Durrs!

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