Thursday, June 2, 2011

Old shoes? We'll take them!

Recently while cleaning out closets at home I (Jen) threw out several pairs of shoes and thought something to the effect of "there are barefoot children in ... [name your impoverished location here]". After a very quick online search I found a program that allows for the recycling of used shoes. What better location for the collection of old shoes than a fitness facility? We are able to take anything but steel-toed shoes/boots. Bring us your old sandals, sneakers, flip-flops or dress shoes and we can take care of recycling them for you. There is a collection bin at both Fly High and the PWA so either location is ready for your old shoes.


  1. What a great idea! I will bring a pair to yoga this morning.

  2. I dropped off a pair today. Do I get points on my Passport? :)

  3. @ Terese (aka: Warren) Everyone here at the fitness center just said "oooooh, what a good idea." For now we'll call that a "free choice" and have to look into ways to integrate that for next time! Jen
